用季风音乐等庆祝索诺兰沙漠! 当你对这个美丽地区的生物多样性有了更多的了解时,一起唱小夜曲吧. 选择加号(+)表示歌词、和弦以及相关活动和信息的链接.
Monsoon Season
季风季节歌词PDF (opens in new window)
Verse 1
A W国米似乎很遥远
Been so long since E it has rained
So A h我只是想哭
E Hooray! Look, there’s some A water
A ‘因为现在是沙漠的季风季节
It’s D m沙漠里的季节很短
Feels A l好像从来没有下过雨
But now it’s E monsoon season in the A desert
Verse 2
A A躲在地下的动物
浮出水面 E look around
It A f终于下雨了,该庆祝了
The E desert comes to A life again!
Verse 3
A T癞蛤蟆和青蛙从地里挖出来
To lay some eggs and E find some food
A Centipedes, millipedes, & beetles, too
E All come up — it’s a A critter zoo
Verse 4
A T毛茸茸的仙人掌很幸运
When there’s water E to drink up
To A s等到以后他们最需要的时候再说
So the E s联合国不会把他们烧了 A saguaro toast
D T蚂蚁和蚂蚁出来交配 A flights — oh, yeah!
E H噢,它们不会被天鹅绒吃掉 A mites — yum, yum!
D G怪物出现了,多么特别啊 A sight — wow!
B7 V浴室里的人也喜欢好好洗个澡
These E storms are a delight! Oh…
OUTRO repeat 2x:
E Monsoon season in the A desert
Guitar Chords
Ukulele Chords
with a double bass.
Artists on this song
米歇尔·米纳-人声 & acoustic guitar
甜美的人声,班卓琴吉他, & electric bass
Brian Hanner — drums & percussion
我想我是Pan实验 (PDF)
吉拉怪物着色页 (PDF)
自制雨量计 (PDF)
野生动物及水资讯 (PDF)
Monsoon storm photos
Verse 1
C Going on a trip, where F will it G be?
C D穿过群山,像这样 F majesG ty
A C forest of saguaros inF stead of G trees
ToF d我觉得2022世界杯下注会成功的 G memories
F I L O C V E this G D E S E R T
Yeah, F I L O C V E this G place I like to roam
F I L O C V E this G D E S E R T
And F I L O C V E our SonF oran G Desert C home
Verse 2
C N现在2022世界杯下注到了入口,我 F see the G sign:
The C Desert Museum, gonna F have a great G time
ExC p爱户外,怎么了 F paths do G wind
How F many plants and animals G will we find?
Verse 3
C IF2022世界杯下注真的很幸运 F might see G Cruz
C Up on his rock just F takin’ a G snooze
C Y遮天蔽日或是像个 F giant house G cat
A F r救了一只美洲狮 G habitat
A F r尾巴有棕、白、黑三色
C J阿韦琳娜在他们吃零食的时候哼了起来
A F b耳朵,狼,狐狸,豹猫
G I 好好享受今天吧
F I L O C V E our SoF noran G Desert C home
Ukulele Chords
Artists on this song
米歇尔·米纳-人声 & ukulele
Connect the dots (PDF)
Javelina vs. Wild Boar (PDF)
I Am A Packrat
Verse 1
C I am a packrat
G7 I live in the desert
C Searching for treasure
To G7 take back home
C I’m important
BeG7 cause you see
C I help plants
G7 Spread their seeds
G7 I 我是一只小沙漠鼠吗
C L寻找我能找到的东西
G7 I 我是一只小沙漠鼠吗
C Looking for treasures G7 all the C time
Verse 2
C I collect cactus
With G7 pokey spines
To C help me protect
This G7 nest of mine
C I collect all
G7 Kinds of goodies
C Toys that are lost
G7 Jewelry that’s shiny
Verse 3
C Humans might sigh
When I G7 chew things they like
But my C pee is like glue
And G7 preserves things too
So C thanks to my midden
My G7 c隐藏的集合
Humans C learn what was here
Back G7 thousands of years
Verse 4
I C better be careful
G7 While I travel
Don’t C wanna get caught
By a G7 hungry owl — Aaahhhh!!!
…C Looking for treasures G all the C time
Guitar Chords
Artists on this song
Mr. Nature — vocals
米歇尔·米纳-人声 & guitar
Syndenn Sweet — vocals & shaker
熊哥哥伊莱——主唱 & packrat puppet
Packrat House着色/工艺页面 (PDF)
Virtual Packrat Party壮举. Mr. Nature
参观Packrat Playhouse